Oil Companies in the Timor SeaMany international oil companies are active in the Timor Sea, and OilWeb includes information about some of the most important. In some cases, you will need to be connected to the internet to follow all the links and get all the graphics from the company websites. In 1999, the East Timor Action Network (ETAN) arranged for the Data Center, a U.S.-based research NGO, to do a search of the industry media for information about companies involved in the Timor Gap. Click here for a compilation of their findings. Contents of this file
ConocoPhillips (formerly Phillips Petroleum) (USA)Phillips Petroleum merged with Conoco in mid-2002 to form ConocoPhillips. The United States company operates Bayu-Undan and some smaller Timor Sea oil and gas fields. It also owns a share of Sunrise.  | La’o Hamutuk Bulletin Summary, 2002 |  | Annual reports: 2001 and fact book; 2002 and fact book; 2003; 2004 also in Bahasa Indonesia; 2005; 2006 also in Bahasa Indonesia; |  | 1999 ETAN/Data Center company database |  | 1997 Review of technology for deepwater pipelines |  | Bayu-Undan: Catalyst for a New Energy Province by Phillips CEO Mulva at Australia Petroleum Conference (2000) |  | 2000 Press release on Multiplex BU-Darwin pipeline |  | November 2001 Slide Presentation on the upcoming ConocoPhillips Merger (PDF) |  | April 2002 Presentation by CEO Mulva on merger (PDF) |  | Bayu-Undan oilfield map from Phillips |  | Extensive Phillips website on Bayu-Undan, with many photos Project updates: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Slide show 1 (7 October 2000), show 2 (13 March 2000) on Bayu-Undan project status |  | Offshore Technology information on Bayu-Undan project (2 screens) |  | September 2002 press release "Jobs and Revenue Already Flowing from Bayu-Undan" |  | Phillips' Submission to Australian Parliament on Timor Sea Treaty |  | Form 10Q Quarterly Report for 3Q 2002 to U.S. government (PDF) |  | Form 10K Annual Report for 2002 to U.S. government (PDF) |  | First quarter 2003 interim Report (PDF) |  | 2003 Annual Meeting Proxy Statement (PDF) with bios of Directors |  | 2004 Capital Budget approved Dec. 2003 |  | Earnings report for fourth quarter and all of 2003 28 January 2004 new release (PDF) |  | ConocoPhillips replaces 106% of 2003 production 23 February 2004 |  | ConocoPhillips says plans $6.9-bil in 2005 capital spending 10 December 2004 |  | Sustainable development report, May 2005 |  | ConocoPhillips Profit Surges on Oil Prices, NY Times, 25 January 2006 |  | ConocoPhillips expansion plans for Sunrise and LNG (three articles), Dow-Jones, The Australian and Global Insight 19-20 June 2006 |  | ConocoPhillips FactBook, June 2006 |  | First Payment of Profit Oil from Bayu-Undan, TSDA Press release, 18 Dec. 2006 |  | Bayu-Undan and Darwin LNG: One Year On, (Northern) Territory Quarterly (January 2007) |  | Australia's Top Engineering Award Goes to Bayu-Undan Partners Fluor Corp., (Feb. 2007) Award citation |  | Prosecutor, Oil Lobbyist Co-Bought Home, February 15, 2007 |  | TSDA: Potential for continued oil recovery from Elang-Kakatua, May 2007 |  | ConocoPhillips to exit Elang-Kakatua oilfield in Timor Sea, May 2007 |  | Ezra clinches milestone contract for first heavy lift accommodation/pipelay vessel,19 June 2007 |  | ConocoPhillips submission on draft Timor-Leste Local Content regulation, 19 June 2007 |  | MODEC redeploys FPSO MODEC Venture 1, 27 August 2007 |  | ConocoPhillips Sustainable Development Report 2006, October 2007 |  | (ConocoPhillips CEO) Mulva predicts progress at Sunrise development and Action is behind the scenes for LNG sector, January 2008 |
 | La’o Hamutuk Bulletin Summary, 2002 |  | 1999 ETAN/Data Center company database |  | Annual reports: 2002, 2003, 2004 (and summary), 2005 |  | Oil = Death environmentalist view of Shell in Nigeria, Colombia, etc. |  | Submission to Australian Parliament on Timor Sea Treaty |  | Meeting the Energy Challenge: The Shell Report 2002 (PDF) |  | Financial and Operational Information 1998–2002 (PDF) |  | Fourth Quarter 2003 and full year press release and financial results (both PDF) |  | Shell's Top Executive Forced to Step Down (NYT 4 March 2004) for overstating reserves |  | Shell: Greater Sunrise stands to lose if floating LNG plan sinks, OGN, June 2004 |  | In March 2005, Shell sold its shares in Laminaria/Corallina to Paladin and Woodside. |  | Nigeria: Shell told to pay $1.5 bln damages, February 2006 |  | Financial and Operational Information 2001-2005, June 2006 |  | Sustainability Report 2005, April 2006 |  | Shell sells part of its share in Evans Shoal to Petronas, September 2007 |
 | |  | Annual reports:  | 2000 |  | 2001 excerpts, financials, complete, Corporate information (Board, procedures, committees, etc.), Slide presentation of 2001 plans (PDF), Five-year comparative data summary 1997-2001 (PDF) |  | 2002 concise, financial and Ten-year summary; |  | 2003 Concise, financials, Net Profit report, Investor Briefing on 2003 results, Reserves Statement, Concise Financial Report for 2003, Appendix 4E of Preliminary Final Report for 2003. |  | 2004 Concise, financials, complete; net profit report Briefing on 2004 results |  | 2005 Concise and Financials |  | 2006 Concise, Financials and Reserves Statement. Record net profit report. CEO's_slideshow and speech at AGM |  | 2007 Concise, Net profit press release. CEO's_slideshow at AGM |
|  | Quarterly ASX reports for Q4 2004, Q1 2005, Q2 2005, Q3 2005, Q4 2005, Q1 2006, Q2 2006, Q3 2006, Q4 2006, Q1 2007, Q2 2007, Q3 2007, Q4 2007, Q1 2008. |  | Half-year reports: 2003, 2005 announcement and presentation; 2006 and press release on profit increases; First half 2007 presentation |  | 1999 ETAN/Data Center company database |  | Offshore Technology information on Laminaria project outside the JPDA but inside ET's claimed EEZ. |  | Laminaria Phase II starts producing, June 2002 |  | Woodside Update on Sunrise Project, June 2002 |  | Woodside submission to Australian Parliament on Timor Sea Treaty (PDF) |  | "Shaping Up for Growth" Investor briefing on exploration and acquisition plans, December 2002 |
 | Woodside Welcomes Timor Sea Agreements press release, March 2003 |  | "The State of the Nation's Oil and Gas" presentation to the Australian Institute of Company Directors reviewing Australia's petroleum resources in a global and economic context, March 2003. (PDF) |  | Presentation to the conference "Opportunities and Challenges for Oil & Gas and Mining Sectors in Timor-Leste," Dili, March 2003 (Powerpoint). |  | "Greater Sunrise LNG Development" presentation to Asia LNG Markets conference, Singapore, March 2003. (PDF) |  | Presentations from November 2003 Woodside Investor Briefing: Commitment to Growth, U.S. Roadshow, Gas Strategy, Australian Gas |  | Woodside announces deal with Iraqi government, November 2004 |  | Woodside gives up on Greater Sunrise and subsequent articles |  | Woodside Won't Lift Stake in Timor Sea Oil Fields (Laminaria-Corallina) January 2005 |  | Timor-Leste writes to Woodside asking for information about an oil spill at Laminaria, February 2005 |  | Woodside increases its share in Laminaria-Corallina by buying out Shell, Woodside boosts stake in Timor Sea oil, March 2005 |  | Woodside will join EITI, April 2005 |  | Why Transparency is Good Business, speech by Woodside CEO Don Voelte to APPEA, April 2005 |  | Woodside conducts exploratory drilling in AC/P8, adjacent to Laminaria-Corallina, June-July, 2005 |  | Demand for natural gas ignites shares of Woodside Petroleum, WSJ December 2005 |  | Woodside 2005 Health, Safety, Environment, and Community Report, April 2006 |  | Speeches by Woodside Chairman and CEO to Annual General Meeting, April 2006 |  | Woodside is extensively involved in Mauritania, about which OilWeb contains a number of articles, including Mauritania's Poor Skeptical on Oil Riches, Washington Post, August 2005 and Woodside may face probe on Mauritania, The Australian, May 2006 |  | Part of joint venture for Kuda Tasi/Jahal, July 2006 |  | Public Notice and Production Sharing Contract 06-105 replaced interim PSC JPDA 03-01, July 2006 |  | Nan Hai VI explosion and fire, July 2006 |  | Woodside Greenhouse Policy, April 2007 |  | Territory awaits dawn of Sunrise, July 2007 |  | East Timor unrest will hamper LNG project, August 2007 |  | Woodside Profit Rises 16 Percent as Oil Fields Start, August 2007 |  | Sunrise LNG Development presentation from Woodside, September 2007 |  | Woodside sells its share in JPDA 06-105 to Eni, September 2007 |  | Karoon buys Woodside Acreage in Timor Sea (AC/P8), November 2007 |  | Woodside Investor Briefing (Sunrise excerpts only), 15 November 2007 |  | Analysis of how much money Australia has made from Laminaria-Corallina. February 2008. |  | Sunrise LNG in Timor-Leste: Dreams, Realities and Challenges. La'o Hamutuk, February 2008 Including Tetum summary, Powerpoint in English and Tetum, and PDF versions. |  | Woodside's foot on gas in Timor and Woodside to spend $5b on projects this year, February 2008 |  | Woodside floating LNG plan, May 2008 |
 | La’o Hamutuk Bulletin Summary,2002 |  | Compilation of information about and from Petrotimor, updated 2006 |  | Submission to Australian Parliament on Timor Sea Treaty, 2003 |  | Response to Patrick Brazil Submission, 2003 |  | Dismissal of lawsuit in Australia claiming rights to Timor Sea resources, 2003 |  | Lawsuit in the USA alleging that ConocoPhillips bribed Timor-Leste leaders (complaint, docket, SEC filing, denial, motion to dismiss), 2004-2006 |  | Additional documents and updated docket from USA lawsuit: Judge's order and explanation, ConocoPhillips answer to the allegations, October 2006. The case was moved to Houston, TX in 2007, and then dismissed in April 2008, although Petrotimor is appealing. |
BHP (Broken Hill Proprietary) (Australia)Eni (including Agip subsidiary) (Italy) | La’o Hamutuk Bulletin Summary, 2002 |  | Annual reports: 2001 Introduction, Exploration and Production, Development Projects; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006 and fact book and Selected Operating Data |  | Eni's Way (corporate overview) |  | Report on first quarter of 2002, PDF |  | Italians (Eni) may say arrivederci to Bayu (news report, December 2003) |  | Preliminary results for 2003, PDF |  | Description of Eni operations in "Australia" |  | Eni Strategy 2006-9 |  | Bids for Timor-Leste offshore acreage, 2006 |  | Eni wins contracts in RDTL exclusive Timor Sea area, June 2006 |  | Eni wants Galp to join Timor Sea exploration, July 2006 |  | Eni signs contracts with Timor-Leste, texts of contracts, November 2006 |  | RDTL permits Eni to conduct seismic tenders, December 2006 |  | Galp Energia Signs Agreements With Eni For Oil Exploration in Timor and Mozambique, April 2007 |  | Eni circulates Environment Plan for 3D_Marine_Seismic_Survey. Cover letter. La'o Hamutuk makes a submission, May 2007 |  | TSDA issues an access permit for Eni Seismic ship to enter into the JPDA adjacent to their blocks, May 2007 |  | Eni Submission on draft Timor-Leste Local Content regulation, June 2007 |  | Eni buys Woodside's share in JPDA 06-105, September 2007 |  | Kitan-1 well strikes oil in JPDA 06-105, March 2008 |  | Kitan in spotlight for East Timor, May 2008 |
 | La’o Hamutuk Bulletin Summary, 2002 |  | 1999 ETAN/Data Center company database |  | Hoovers Online profile of Santos |  | Annual reports: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. |  | Quarterly filings with the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) include information on Bayu-Undan and Elang-Kakatua production and sales for each quarter: 2Q 2004, 1Q 2005, 2Q 2005, 3Q 2005, 4Q 2005, 1Q 2006, 2Q 2006, 3Q 2006, 4Q 2006, 1Q 2007, 2Q 2007, 3Q 2007, 4Q 2007, 1Q 2008. |  | 2006 first half presentation and media release. |  | Reserves Review and Profit Forecast, January 2002 (PDF) |  | Press release welcoming Timor Sea Treaty entry into force, March 2003 (PDF) |  | Petrel-Tern field owned and operated by Santos. NT Government fact sheet |  | Evans Shoal field partly owned by Santos subsidiary Natural Gas Australia Ltd. NT Government fact sheet |  | Description of Bayu-Undan Condensate properties |  | Map of Santos exploration in the Timor Sea (PDF) |  | Santos press release on final Bayu-Undan approval, June 2003 (PDF) |  | Santos projections for Bayu-Undan production, December 2003 (PDF) |  | Santos Focus On Moomba, Timor Sea, Australian Financial Review, January 2004 |  | Santos press release on first condensate shipment from Bayu-Undan, March 2004 |  | Record $1.5 Billion Santos Revenue, January 23, 2005 |  | Descriptions of Elang-Kakatua, Bayu-Undan and Bayu-Undan LNG from Santos website (June & December 2005) |  | 2005 Presentation and Financial Results, February 2006 |  | Santos Sustainability Report 2006, March 2007 |  | Santos Says LNG May Make Up Half of Output by 2020, April 2007 |  | Santos increases share of Bayu-Undan, also media report, July 2007 |  | 2007 Presentation and Financial Results and strategy update, February 2008 |
Osaka Gas (Japan)Paladin Resources, plc (U.K.)Talisman (acquired Paladin in late 2005)Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO, part of Tokyo Timor Sea)Tokyo Gas Company (part of Tokyo Timor Sea)Petróleo Brasileiro (Petrobras, Brazil)GALP Exploração e Produção Petrolífera (Portugal)Reliance Industries Limited (India) | Fortune Global 500, 2005 |  | Corporate Governance report, 2005 |  | Reliance Annual Report 2006/07, September 2007 |  | Map of offshore exploration blocks in India |  | Bids for Timor-Leste offshore acreage, 2006 |  | Reliance wins contract in RDTL Timor Sea, June 2006 |  | Reliance signs contracts with TL, text of contracts, November 2006 |  | Reliance, Videocon sign separate pacts in Timor, November 2006 |  | Reliance hives off overseas oil projects, March 2007 |  | Reliance goes on block buying spree, September 2007 |  | Reliance in talks with Indian Oil Company about Area K, October 2007 |  | IOC, Oil India may partner Reliance Ind, December 2007 |  | La'o Hamutuk submission on Reliance 2D/3D Seismic Survey Environment Plan, March 2008 |
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (India)Oil India, Ltd. (India)Petronas Carigali (Malaysia)Samsung Corp (South Korea)LG International Corp (South Korea)Oilex NL (Australia) | Annual report 2006, September 2006 |  | Leader of joint venture with Bharat Petroleum Corp, Videocon Industries Ltd, and Gujarat State Petroleum Corp which won a contract for block 103 in the TSDA in August 2006. |  | Oilex letter to ASX upon receiving TSDA contract award, 17 August 2006 |  | Public Notice Summary and Production Sharing Contract JPDA 06-103, November 2006 |  | Oilex description of JPDA 06-103, January 2007 |  | TSDA grants Oilex an exception to purchase 3D seismic data from Fugro, May 2007 |  | Wavefield Inseis secures JPDA seismic contract and related articles, July 2007 - January 2008 |  | Annual Report 2007, September 2007 |  | TSDA grants Oilex an exception to competitive tender to hire Enquest to provide quality control during seismic survey, September 2007. |  | Oilex requests and receives TSDA permission for a sole-source drilling contract to Transocean in area JPDA 06-103, April 2008. |
Bharat Petroleum Corp (India)Videocon Industries Ltd (India)Gujarat State Petroleum Corp (India | Won a contract in the TSDA in August 2006. No other information available |