Benefísiu OMK mai
Timor-Leste (Benefits of the WTO for TL, 2024)
Rai Naruk Fiskál (Fiscal
cliff, 2023)
Mudansa klimátika fó risku mai ita hotu no jerasaun tuir mai
(Climate change endangers all of us and future generations, 2022)
Kumpre Lisensamentu Ambientál sei Hamenus Risku ba Ambiente no Komunidade sira nia Moris
(Complying with Environmental Licensing will Reduce Risks to the Environment and Communities' Lives, 2020)
Mai Ita Hamutuk Bele Evita Surtu Covid-19
(We Come Together to Avoid Spreading Covid-19, 2020)
Ita labele husik dezenvolvimentu estraga ita-nia moris no ambiente
(We must not allow development to injure our lives and environment, 2018)
Esbosu Lei ba Rai (Draft land law, 2010)
Fabrika Ai-oan Mutin iha Carabela (Jatropha factory in Carabela, 2009)
Justisa iha nebe? (Where is justice? 2005)
Fronteira maritima (Maritime boundaries, 2005)
Ita nia minarai, ita nia futuru (Our oil, our future, 2004)
Mikrofinansas (Microfinance, 2004)
Agrikultura (Agriculture, 2003)
Timor Gap (2003)
Feto ho Mane ho Konstrusaun Social (Gender, 2002)
Merkadoria mundial (Global markets, 2002)
Banku Mundial iha Timor Lorosa'e (World Bank in Timor-Leste, 2002)
Saida mak desenvolvimentu? (What is development? 2001)
Hari sistema saude foun (Building a new health system, 2001)
Kiak no Riku iha Mundu (Poor and rich in the world, 2003)
Saida mak La'o Hamutuk? (Introduction to LH and Surat Popular, 2001)
Saida mak Konstituisaun? (What is the Constitution? English)
Also Bahasa Indonesia (2001)