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2017 Parliamentary Election: 22 July 2017
Eleisaun Parlamentár 2017: 22 Jullu 2017

Atualiza 11 Janeiru 2019


Process and issues

La'o Hamutuk is an independent, nonpartisan Timor-Leste civil society organization. We are engaging with the 2017 Parliamentary election to encourage candidates and parties to discuss the policies they will implement over the next five years, and to encourage citizens to vote for parties whose platforms they agree with.

La'o Hamutuk is distributing a Tetum language poster (left) and brochure (right) suggesting things for voters to consider before they vote. You can download these or request copies from our office.

La'o Hamutuk is providing briefings on fundamental issues facing Timor-Leste, to help put the election in context. The briefing is a version of this presentation, and will be in English, free of charge to observers, journalists, and others who would like to understand the challenges Timor-Leste faces in transitioning from petroleum-export-dependency to sustainable, equitable development.

More than 50 people from 20 organizations came to the briefings on 13 and 18 July. If you're interested but couldn't make those, please email and we may schedule another.

We have also produced a radio program (Tetum, 8 MB audio) highlighting some of the most important issues at stake, and another with thoughts from civil society and voters about the election (Tetum, 8 MB audio).

Prosesu no asuntu sira

La'o Hamutuk nudár organizasaun sosiedade sivíl ida ne’ebé independente no naun partidáriu iha Timor-Leste. Ami involve iha eleisaun Parlamentár 2017 nian atu enkoraja kandidatu no partidu sira atu diskute polítika sira ne’ebé mak sira sei implementa iha tinan lima oin mai, no atu enkoraja sidadaun sira atu vota ba partidu sira ne’ebé ninia plataforma sira (sidadaun sira) konkorda.

La’o Hamutuk distribui poster (karuk) no broxura (loos) hodi sujere asuntu sira ba votante sira atu konsidera molok sira ba vota. Ita bele hetan kópia sira ne’e iha ne’e ka mai foti iha ami nia servisu fatin.

Ami mós prodús ona programa radio ida (audio 8 MB) ne’ebé foka ba asuntu importante sira tuir ami nia haree, ne’ebé sai hanesan risku iha Timor-Leste, no programa seluk ho Lian Husi Eleitores sira ba Eleisaun Parlamentar 2017-2022

We distributed a questionnaire asking each party's positions on key policy questions and will publish the responses as we receive them:

The bottom part of this page links to important information related to the election, including a list of candidates on each party's Parliamentary slate and a schedule of campaign locations.

The National Elections Commission has certified the following political parties to be on the ballot.

Ami distribui kestionáriu ida atu husu kona-ba partidu ida-idak nia pozisaun ba kestaun polítika xave sira no ami sei publika ninia rezultadu sira bainhira ami hetan ona sira nia resposta:

Pájina ida ne’e nia rohan liga ba informasaun importante sira ne’ebé iha relasaun ho eleisaun, inklui lista kandidatu sira iha kadeira parlamentár nian no oráriu ba fatin kampaña sira.

Komisaun Nasionál ba Eleisaun sira sertifika ona partidu polítiku sira tuir mai ne’e iha boletín-votu nian.

1 Bloku Unidade Popular (coligasaun)
   PMD - Partido Milénium Democrático
   PLPA-Partido liberta Povo Aileba
   PDRT- Partido Democratica Republica de Timor

2 APMT - Partido Associacao Popular Monarquia Timorense

3 KHUNTO - Partido Haburas Unidade Nacional Timor Oan

4 PEP - Partido Esperanca da Patria

5 PST - Partido Sosialista de Timor

6 PDP - Partido ba Dezenvolvimentu Popular

7 C.N.R.T. - Congresso Nacional de Reconstrucao de Timor Leste

8 PR - Partidu Republicano

9 UDT - Uniao Democrática Timorense

10 PDC - Partido Democráta Cristão

11 MLPM - Partido Movimento Libertasaun Povo Maubere

12 PLP- Partido da Libertacao Popular

13 PD - Partido Democrático

14 UNDERTIM - Unidade Nacional Democrática da Resistencia Timorense

15 PUDD - Partido do Unidade Dezenvolvimentu Demokratiku

16 PTD - Partido Timorense Democratico

17 Partido Frenti-Mudanca

18 PSD - Partido Social Democráta

19 CASDT- Partido Centro Accao Sosial Democrata Timorense

20 P.D.N. - Partido do Desenvolvimento Nacional

21 FRETILIN - Frente Revolucionário de Timor Leste Independente


As everyone knows, the election and counting proceeded democratically and peacefully, with no significant incidents of violence or electoral misconduct. Click on the tables below to see them larger.

La'o Hamutuk was the first to publish a list of the likely members of the new Parliament, less than two days after the polls closed. We calculated the number of seats each party will get in the next Parliament, at right. For each slate, we have listed the MPs (black), the next few names (blue) and struckthrough names of people who declined to take their seats.

On 1 August the Jornal da Republica published the official election results (Portuguese) as certified by the Court of Appeals.

On 3 August, La'o Hamutuk produced a report (Tetum) on our observations to help STAE and CNE for the next election.

On 14 August, La'o Hamutuk wrote a letter to each newly elected Member of Parliament.

The next day, Fundasaun Mahein wrote a blog New Political Opposition Should Be Active, Honest, And Informed (scroll down for English).


Hanesan ita hotu hatene, prosesu votasaun no kontajen la'o ho dame no demokrasia, no laiha insidente violénsia ka problema eleitorál.

Bele hare rezultadu iha liman karuk. Klik tabela ida atu hare boot liu.

Hafoin loron rua, La'o Hamutuk publika lista se sei tuir iha Parlamentu Nasionál. Ami kalkula kadeira hira partidu ida idak sei hetan iha Parlamentu Nasionál, tuir lista iha liman los. Iha kada lista, ami inklui naran balu liu tan (kór azúl), na hatudu ema neébe la simu sira nia kadeira ho strikethrough.

Iha loron 1 Agostu, Jornal da Republica fo sai rezultadu eleisaun (Portuges) hanesan verifika husi Tribunal Rekursu.

Iha loron 3 Agostu, La'o Hamutuk publika Relatóriu Observasaun atu ajuda STAE no CNE ba eleisaun proximu.

Iha loron 14 Agostu, La'o Hamutuk haruka karta ida ba Deputadu/a sira foin manan eleisaun.

Loron ida tuir mai, Fundasaun Mahein hakerek blog ida Politíku Ba Opozisaun Foun Tenke Ativu, Honestu No Informa.

FRETILIN – kadeira 23 seats

1 Mari Bim Amude Alkatiri (M)
2 Francisco Miranda Branco (M)
3 Josefa Álvares Pereira Soares (F)
4 Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres Lopes (M)
5 Joaquim dos Santos (M)
6 Ilda Maria da Conceição (F)
7 Rui Maria de Araújo (M)
8 Estanislau da C. Aleixo Maria da Silva (M)

9 Cidália Mesquita Ximenes (F)
10 David Dias Ximenes (M)
11 José Agostinho Sequeira “Somotxo” (M)
12 Florentina da Conceição Martins "Smith” (F)

13 Antoninho Bianco (M)
14 Osório Florindo da Conceição Costa (M)
15 Maria Angélica Rangel da Cruz dos Reis (F)
16 António dos Santos (M)
17 Dário Madeira (M)
18 Lídia Norberta dos Santos Martins (F)
19 Gabriela Alves (F)
20 Silvino Adolfo Morais (M)
21 Angélica da Costa (F)
22 Domingos Sávio Cabral Ribeiro (M)
23 Fausto Freitas da Silva (M)
24 Noémia Sequeira (F)
25 Aurélio Freitas Ribeiro (M)
26 Maria Anabela Sávio (F)
27 Alexandrino Cardoso da Cruz (M)
28 Félix da Costa (M)
29 Nurima Ribeiro Alkatiri (F)
30 Gil Teófilo Amaral (M)
31 Manuel de Araujo Martins (M)
32 Mariquita Soares (F)
33 Bernardo Lopes (M)

C.N.R.T. – kadeira 22 seats

1 Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão (M)
2 Dionisio Da Costa Babo Soares (M)
3 Maria Terezinha Da Silva Viegas (F)
4 Aderito Hugo Da Costa (M)
5 Francisco Kabuadi Lay (M)
6 Virgina Ana Belo (F)
7 Jacinto Rigoberto Gomes De Deus (M)
8 Natalino Dos Santos Nascimemto (M)
9 Carmelita Caetano Moniz (F)
10 Ricardo Baptista (M)
11 Francisco Da Costa Guterres (M)
12 Brigida Antonia Correia (F)
13 Vicente Da Silva Guterres (M)
14 Duarte Nunes (M)
15 Maria Fernanda Lay (F)
16 Julio Tomas Pinto (M)
17 Eduardo De Deus Barreto (M)
18 Maria Rosa Da Camara Bisoi (F)
19 Patrocino Fernnades Dos Reis (M)
20 Virgilio Pereira (M)
21 Albina Marcal Freitas (F)
22 Leandro Lobato (M)
23 Jacinto Viegas Vicente (M)
24 Veneranda Eurico M. L. Martins (F)
25 Arao Noe De J. Da C. Marcal (M)
26 Domingos Carvalho De Araujo (M)
27 Bendita Moniz Magno (F)
28 Fermino Taequi (M)
29 Domingos Lopes Lemos (M)
30 Angela M. C. De Andrade Sarmento (F)

PLP – kadeira 8 seats

1 Taur Matan Ruak (M)
2 Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães (M)
3 Rosalina Ximenes (F)
4 Abraão José Freitas (M)
5 Demetrio do Amaral de Carvalho (M)
6 Maria Angelina Lopes Sarmento (F)
7 Abel Pires da Silva (M)
8 Mericio Juvinal dos Reis (M)
9 Signi Chandrawati Verdial (F)
10 Sabino Soares (M)
11 Francisco de Vasconcelos (M)

PD – kadeira 7 seats

1 Mariano Sabino Lopes (M)
2 Antonio da Conceição (M)

3 Elvina Sousa Carvalho (F)
4 Ernesto Fernandes Dudu (M)
5 Adriano do Nascimento (M)
6 Maria Teresa da Silva Gusmão (F)
7 Manuel Tomas Amaral de Carvalho (M)
8 Julio Sarmento da Costa (M)
9 Flotilda Sequeira Hermenegildo da Costa (F)
10 Alexandre Afonso Nunes (M)
11 Jose Anuno (M)
12 Rosena Fatima de O. Martins
13 Luis Mendes Ribeiro (M)

KHUNTO – kadeira 5 seats

1 Armanda Berta dos Santos (F)
2 Olinda Guterres (F)
3 António Verdial de Sousa (M)
4 Jose Agustinho da Silva (M)
5 Luis Roberto da Silva (M)
6 Irene Gonzaga Sarmento (F)
7 Antonio Maria Nobre A. Tilman (M)

For further information, follow these links:

Bele hetan informasaun tan liu ligasaun sira ne'e:

Materials from La'o Hamutuk (all Tetum)

Materiais husi La'o Hamutuk

Information about the electoral process

Informasaun kona-ba prosesu eleisaun


Dokumentu sira


The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua D. Alberto Ricardo, Bebora, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
email:    Web:    Blog: