Link to La'o Hamutuk page on the 2010 or 2007-8 Human Development Reports. Timor-Leste Human Development Unchanged in 2007 As reported by 2009 UNDP Human Development Report 9 October 2009 | Timor-Leste nia Dezenvolvimentu Umanu Laiha-Mundasa iha 2007 Reportazen husi UNDP nia Relatoriu Dezenvolvimentu Umanu 2009 9 Outubru 2009 | The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) issues a Human Development Report almost every year (they did not publish one in 2008). The edition published on 5 October 2009 is entitled “Overcoming barriers: Human mobility and development.” In addition to the thematic discussion and a wealth of statistical data on health, education, gender, economics and other factors, the UNDP calculates a “Human Development Index” (HDI) for each country. The HDI combines life expectancy, education (literacy and school enrollment) and income to produce a composite measure of human development. The 2009 report, mostly based on data from 2007, calculated a HDI for Timor-Leste of 0.489, ranking 162nd of 182 countries with data. Except for Afghanistan and 19 countries in Africa, this is the lowest in the world, significantly worse than other impoverished non-African countries, which are Papua New Guinea (148) and Haiti (149). Other than Timor-Leste, the lowest-ranked countries in Asia are Bangladesh (146), Nepal (144), Pakistan (141) and Yemen (140). | Programa Dezenvolvimentu Nasaun Unidus (UNDP) fosai Relatoriu Dezenvolvimentu Umanu kuaze kada tinan (sira la publika iha 2008). Edisaun ida be publika iha 5 Outubru 2009 ho titulu “Hakaat-liu sasatan: Mobilidade Umanu no Dezenvolvimentu.” Adisionalmente ba diskusaun tematiku no data estatistika lubuk ida kona-ba saude, edukasaun, jeneru, ekonomiku no fator seluk-seluk tan, UNDP kalkula “Indeksu Dezenvolvimentu Umanu” (HDI) ida ba kada nasaun. HDI ne'e kombina hahe'in moris (moris naruk), edukasaun (instrusaun no rejistu eskola) no reseita hodi produz sasukat kombinasaun ida husi dezenvolvimentu Umanu. Relatoriu 2009, barak-liu bazeia ba data husi 2007, kalkula ona HDI ida ba Timor-Leste mak 0.489, iha klasifikasaun 162 husi nasaun 182 ho data. Ekseptu ba Afghanistan no nasaun 19 iha Africa, ida ne'e tuun-liu iha klasifikasaun mundial, aat-liu duke nasaun sira seluk, hanesan Papua New Guinea (148) no Haiti (149). Alein Timor-Leste, nasaun seluk-seluk tan ne'ebe iha klasifikasaun kiik-liu iha Asia mak Bangladesh (146), Nepal (144), Pakistan (141) no Yemen (140). | | |
Timor-Leste’s human development index 2007 (from 2009 report) Timor-Leste nia Indeksu Dezenvolvimentu Umanu 2007 (husi relatoriu 2009) | HDI value | Life expectancy at birth (years) | Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and above) | Combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio (%) | GDP per capita (PPP US$) | Valor HDI | Hahe'in moris (years) | Adultu sira bele hakerek no lee (% tinan 15 ba leten) | Tau-hamutuk rasio rejistu eskola primaria, sekundaria no tertiaria (%) | GDP kada kapita (PPP US$) | 1. Norway (0.971) | 1. Japan (82.7) | 1. Georgia (100.0) | 1. Australia (114.2) | 1. Liechtenstein (85,382) | 160. Malawi (0.493) | 132. Benin (61.0) | 136. Togo (53.2) | 123. Andorra (65.1) | 171. Ethiopia (779) | 161. Benin (0.492) | 133. Haiti (61.0) | 137. Bhutan (52.8) | 124. Zambia (63.3) | 172. Malawi (761) | 162. Timor-Leste (0.489) | 134. Timor-Leste (60.7) | 138. Timor-Leste (50.1) | 125. Timor-Leste (63.2) | 173. Timor-Leste (717) | 163. Côte d'Ivoire (0.484) | 135. Papua New Guinea (60.7) | 139. Côte d'Ivoire (48.7) | 126. Viet Nam (62.3) | 174. Central African Rep. (713) | 164. Zambia (0.481) | 136. Cambodia (60.6) | 140. Central African Rep. (48.6) | 127. Vanuatu (62.3) | 175. Sierra Leone (679) | 182. Niger (0.340) | 176. Afghanistan (43.6) | 151. Mali (26.2) | 177. Djibouti (25.5) | 181. Congo (DRC) (298) |
| | The 2009 report includes a discussion on multiple dimensions of poverty, known as the Human Poverty Index (HPI-1). This focuses on the proportion of people below certain threshold levels in each dimension of the human development index - living a long and healthy life, having access to education, and a decent standard of living. By looking beyond income deprivation, the HPI-1 represents a multi-dimensional alternative to the $1.25 a day (PPP US$) poverty measure. The HPI-1 value of 40.8% for Timor-Leste ranks 122nd among 135 countries for which the index has been calculated. The HPI-1 measures severe deprivation in health by the proportion of people who are not expected to survive to age 40. Education is measured by the adult illiteracy rate. And a decent standard of living is measured by the unweighted average of people not using an improved water source and the proportion of children under age 5 who are underweight for their age. The next table shows these statistics for Timor-Leste and compares them to other countries. | Relatoriu 2009 inklui diskusaun ida kona-ba multipla dimensaun ki'ak, koinhesidu hanesan Indeksu Ema Ki'ak (HPI-1). Ida ne'e foka-liu ba pursentazen ema tuun liu nivel limiar balun iha kada dimensaun indeksu dezenvolvimentu Umanu - moris naruk no saude diak, iha asesu ba edukasaun, no moris standar ida. Haree liu ba deprivasaun reseita, HPI-1 reprezenta alternativa multi-dimensional ida ba $1.25 kada loron (PPP US$) sasukat ki'ak. Valor HPI-1 iha 40.8% ba Timor-Leste klasifika iha 122 husi nasaun 135 ne'ebe indeksu kalkula tiha ona. Sasukat deprivasaun HPI-1 oioin iha saude husi pursentazent ema ne'ebe ekspekta la moris too tinan 40. Edukasaun sukat husi montante adultu sira be lahatene hakerek no lee. Standar moris adekuadu ida sukat husi rata-rata ema isin-diak sira be uza bee diak no pursentazen labarik iha tinan 5 nia okos nebe isin ladiak iha sira-nia idade. Tabela tuir mai hatudu statistika ba Timor-Leste no komparasaun ho nasau seluk-seluk. | | |
Selected indicators of human poverty for Timor-Leste Indikador husi ema ki'ak ba Timor-Leste | Human Poverty Index (HPI-1) | Probability of not surviving to age 40 (%) | Adult illiteracy rate (%ages 15 and above) | People not using an improved water source (%) | Children underweight for age (% aged under 5) | Indeksu Ema Ki'ak (HPI-1) | Probabilidade la moris too tinan 40 (%) | Adultu hakerek no lee lahatene (% tinan 15 resin) | Ema sira be la uza bee mos (%) | Labarik isin ladiak (% tina 5 nia okos) | 1. Czech Republic (1.5) | 1. Hong Kong, China (SAR) (1.4) | 1. Georgia (0.0) | 1. Barbados (0) | 1. Croatia (1) | 120. Congo (DRC) (38.0) | 106. Yemen (15.6) | 136. Togo (46.8) | 123. Uganda (36) | 134. Niger (44) | 121. Papua New Guinea (39.6) | 107. Papua New Guinea (15.9) | 137. Bhutan (47.2) | 124. Liberia (36) | 135. Yemen (46) | 122. Timor-Leste (40.8) | 108. Timor-Leste (18.0) | 138. Timor-Leste (49.9) | 125. Timor-Leste (38) | 136. Timor-Leste (46) | 123. Gambia (40.9) | 109. Eritrea (18.2) | 139. Côte d'Ivoire (51.3) | 126. Swaziland (40) | 137. India (46) | 124. Senegal (41.6) | 110. Haiti (18.5) | 140. Central African Rep. (51.4) | 127. Lao People's Demo. Rep. (40) | 138. Bangladesh (48) | 135. Afghanistan (59.8) | 153. Lesotho (47.4) | 151. Mali (73.8) | 150. Afghanistan (78) | |
| | Since 2005 (as reported in UNDP's 2007/8 report), Timor-Leste’s human development index has risen slightly, from 0.484 to 0.489, and is slightly above the HDI published in 2006 (0.488), based on 2004 data. Although UNDP did not publish a Human Development Report in 2008, they issued a Statistical Update 2008 which calculated Human Development Indices based on 2006 data. That Update also discusses some changes in how the index is calculated. UNDP warns that HDI calculations from past reports should not be compared with the current year, as methodology and data change from year to year. The latest report re-calculates statistics from 2004 and 2005 to make them consistent with 2007. Changes in the results come from revisions in how the World Bank calculates Purchasing Power Parity (PPP US$), which affects the GDP per capita figures, as well as updated information from the UN Population Division on life expectancy. Timor-Leste's data for the last four years is as follows, with numbers in green italics on the lower line of each row showing HDI values before they were recalculated with this year's methodology. | Desde 2005 (hanesa fosai iha UNDP nia relatoriu 2007/8), Timor-Leste nia indeksu dezenvolvimentu umanu sae oitoan, husi 0.484 ba 0.489, no aas liu oitoan HDI publika iha 2006 (0.488), bazeia ba data 2004. Maske UNDP la publika Relatoriu Dezenvolvimentu Umanu iha 2008, sira fosai Statistika Atualizada 2008 ida ne'ebe kalkula Indezes Dezenvolvimentu Umanu bazeia ba data 2006. Atualizasaun ne'e mos diskute mudansa balun ba oinsa kalkula indeksu. UNDP informa katak kalkulasaun HDI husi relatoriu pasadu la bele kompara ho tinan agora daudaun, hanesan metodolojia no data muda kada tinan. Relatoriu ikus kalkula fali statistika husi 2004 no 2005 hodi halo sira konsistente ho 2007. Mudansa iha resultadu mai husi revizaun iha Banku Mundial nia kalkula Kbiit Sosa Paridade (PPP US$), ne'ebe afeta figura GDP kada kapita, nomos atualiza informasaun husi Divisaun Populasaun UNO kona-ba hahe'in moris. Timor-Leste nia data ba tinan haat ikus ne'e hanesan tuirmai, ho numenru iha kor matak hatudu valor HDI molok sira rekalkula ho tinan ne'e nia metodolojia. | | |
Timor-Leste’s human development index 2006-2007 (from 2009 report) Timor-Leste nia indeksu dezenvolvimentu umanu 2006-2007 (husi relatoriu 2009) | Year of report (year of data) | Recalculated HDI Rank (value) | Life expectancy at birth (years) | Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and above) | Combined enrolment ratio (%) | GDP per capita (PPP US$) | Life expectancy index | Education index | GDP index | GDP per capita rank minus HDI rank | Tinan halo reportazen (data kada tinan) | Rekalkula klasifikasaun HDI (valor) | Hahe'in moris (tinan) | Numeru adultu sira bele lee no hakerek (% tinan 15 no ba leten) | Rasion rejistu nebe halibur hamutuk ona (%) | GDP kada kapita (PPP US$) | Indeksu Hahe'in moris | Indeksu Edukasaun | Indeksu GDP | GDP kada kapita klasifika tuun liu klasifikasaun HDI | HDR 2006 (2004 data) | 158. (0.488) 142 (0.512) | 56.0
| 58.6
| 72.0%
| .. | 0.520
| 0.630
| 0.390
| 20
| HDR 2007-8 (2005 data) | 162. (0.484) 150.(0.514) | 59.7 59.7 | 50.1 50.1 | 72.0%
| $768 .. | 0.578
| 0.574
| 0.390
| 16
| Statistical Update 2008 (2006 data) | 162. (0.484) 158. (0.483) | 60.2
| 50.1
| 63.2
| $686 $668 | 0.586
| 0.545
| 0.317
| 14
| HDR 2009 (2007 data) | 162. (0.489) | 60.7 | 50.1 | 63.2% | $717 | 0.595 | 0.545 | 0.329 | 11 |
These statistics related to Timor-Leste are from the 2009 Human Development Report, together with data from previous reports when available. Comparisons across years are not reliable, as noted above | Statistika sira be relasiona ba Timor-Leste husi Relatoriu Dezenvolvimentu Umanu 2009, hamutuk ho data husi relatoriu uluk kuandu fosai. Komparasaun atravesa tinan labele sadera ba, hanesan hateten ona iha leten. |
Year Human Development Report (or Statistical Update) published | 2009 | notes | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | Data refers to situation in | 2007 | | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | A. Human movement: snapshots and trends | | | | | | International migrant stocks (thousands), 1960 | 7.1 | | | | | International migrant stocks (thousands), 1990 | 9.0 | | | | | International migrant stocks (thousands), 2005 | 11.9 | | | | | International migrant stocks (thousands), 2010 | 13.8 | | | | | Annual rate of growth in international migrant stocks (%), 1960-2005 | 1.1 | | | | | International migrants as a percentage of total population, 1960 | 1.4 | | | | | International migrants as a percentage of total population, 2005 | 1.2 | | | | | Female share of international migrant stocks (%), 1960 | 46.0 | | | | | Female share of international migrant stocks (%), 2005 | 52.6 | | | | | Emigration rate (%), 2000-2002 | 2.6 | | | | | International movement rate (%), 2000-2002 | 3.2 | | | | | B. International emigrants by area of residence | Proportion of international migrant stocks residing in Africa (%), 2000-2002 | 0.8 | | | | | Proportion of international migrant stocks residing in Asia (%), 2000-2002 | 39.5 | | | | | Proportion of international migrant stocks residing in Europe (%), 2000-2002 | 18.2 | | | | | Proportion of international migrant stocks residing in Latin America and the Caribbean (%), 2000-2002 | 0.2 | | | | | Proportion of international migrant stocks residing in Northern America (%), 2000-2002 | 0.2 | | | | | Proportion of international migrant stocks residing in Oceania (%), 2000-2002 | 41.0 | | | | | Proportion of international migrant stocks residing in countries with very high levels of human development (%), 2000-2002 | 59.8 | | | | | Proportion of international migrant stocks residing in countries with high levels of human development (%), 2000-2002 | 1.2 | | | | | Proportion of international migrant stocks residing in countries with medium levels of human development (%), 2000-2002 | 38.5 | | | | | Proportion of international migrant stocks residing in countries with low levels of human development (%), 2000-2002 | 0.4 | | | | | Countries' shares of total stock of migrants in Africa (%), 2000-2002 | (.) | | | | | Countries' shares of total stock of migrants in Asia (%), 2000-2002 | 0.02 | | | | | Countries' shares of total stock of migrants in Europe (%), 2000-2002 | 0.01 | | | | | Countries' shares of total stock of migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean (%), 2000-2002 | (.) | | | | | Countries' shares of total stock of migrants in Northern America (%), 2000-2002 | (.) | | | | | Countries' shares of total stock of migrants in Oceania (%), 2000-2002 | 0.19 | | | | | C. Education and employment of international migrants in OECD countries (aged 15 years and above) | Stock of international migrants aged 15 years and above in OECD countries (thousands), 2000-2005 | 11.1 | | | | | Percentage of international migrants aged 15 years and above in OECD countries with less than upper secondary education, 2000-2005 | 57.1 | | | | | Percentage of international migrants aged 15 years and above in OECD countries with upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education, 2000-2005 | 23.4 | | | | | Percentage of international migrants aged 15 years and above in OECD countries with tertiary education, 2000-2005 | 12.4 | | | | | Tertiary emigration rate to OECD countries (%), 2000-2005 | .. | | | | | Labour force participation rate of international migrants in OECD countries (%), 2000-2005 | 62.6 | | | | | Unemployment rate of international migrants in OECD countries (%), 2000-2005 | 12.1 | | | | | Unemployment rate of international migrants in OECD countries with less than upper secondary education (%), 2000-2005 | 14.8 | | | | | Unemployment rate of international migrants in OECD countries with upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education (%), 2000-2005 | 11.6 | | | | | Unemployment rate of international migrants in OECD countries with tertiary education (%), 2000-2005 | 4.5 | | | | | D. Conflict and insecurity induced movement | Refugees by country of origin (thousands), 2007 | (.) | | | | | Refugees by country of origin as a percentage of international emigrants, 2007 | (.) | | | | | Refugees by country of origin as a percentage of world refugees, 2007 | (.) | | | | | People in refugee-like situations by country of origin (thousands), 2007 | 0 | | | | | Asylum seekers by country of origin (thousands), 2007 | (.) | | | | | Internally displaced people (thousands), 2008 | 30 | | | | | Refugees by country of asylum (thousands), 2007 | (.) | | | | | Refugees by country of asylum as a percentage of international immigrants, 2007 | (.) | | | | | Refugees by country of asylum as a percentage of world refugees, 2007 | (.) | | | | | People in refugee-like situations by country of asylum (thousands), 2007 | 0 | | | | | Asylum seekers by country of asylum (thousands), 2007 | (.) | | | | | E. International financial flows: remittances, official development assistance and foreign direct investment | ODA per capita (US$), 2007 | 241 | | | 189 | 172 | F. Selected conventions related to human rights and migration (by year of ratification) | International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families, 2009 | 2004 | | | | | Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 2009 | .. | | | | | Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, 2009 | 2003 | | | | | International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 2009 | 2003 | | | | | International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 2009 | 2003 | | | | | International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 2009 | 2003 | | | | | Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, 2009 | 2003 | | | | | Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 2009 | 2003 | | | | | Convention on the Rights of the Child, 2009 | 2003 | | | | | G. Human development index trends | Human development index trends, 2005 | 0.488 | | 0.486 | 0.514 | | Human development index trends, 2006 | 0.484 | | 0.483 | | | Human development index trends, 2007 | 0.489 | | | | | Revised HDI rank, 2006 | 162 | | 158 | | | Real change in ranks, 2006-2007 | 0 | | | | | H. Human development index 2007 and its components | Human development index value, 2007 | 0.489 | | 0.483 | 0.484 | 0.488 | Life expectancy at birth (years), 2007 | 60.7 | | 60.2 | 59.7 | 56.0 | Adult literacy rate (% aged 15 and above), 2007 | 50.1 | 1 | 50.1 | 50.1 | 58.6 | Combined gross enrolment ratio in education (%), 2007 | 63.2 | 2,3 | 63.2 | 72.0 | 72.0 | GDP per capita (PPP US$), 2007 | 717 | 4 | 668 | | | Life expectancy index, 2007 | 0.595 | | 0.586 | 0.578 | 0.520 | Education index, 2007 | 0.545 | | 0.545 | 0.574 | 0.630 | GDP index, 2007 | 0.329 | | 0.317 | 0.390 | 0.390 | GDP per capita (PPP US$) rank minus HDI rank, 2007 | 11 | | 14 | 16 | 20 | I-1. Human and income poverty | Human poverty index (HPI-1) rank, 2007 | 122 | | 122 | 95 | | Human Poverty Index (HPI-1) value (%), 2007 | 40.8 | | 41.0 | 41.8 | | Probability at birth of not surviving to age 40 (% of cohort), 2005-2010 | 18.0 | | 21.2 | 21.2 | 25.5 | Adult illiteracy rate (% aged 15 and above), 1999-2007 | 49.9 | 5 | 49.9 | 49.9 | | Population not using an improved water source (%), 2006 | 38 | | 38 | 42 | 42 | Children underweight for age (% under age 5), 2000-2006 | 46 | | 46 | 46 | 46 | Population living below $1.25 a day (%), 2000-2007 | 52.9 | | 52.9 | | | Population living below $2 a day (%), 2000-2007 | 77.5 | | 77.5 | | | HPI-1 rank minus income poverty rank | 9 | | 9 | | | I-2. Human and income poverty: OECD countries | Probability at birth of not surviving to age 60 (% of cohort), 2005-2010 | 33.1 | | | 37.0 | 42.4 | J. Gender-related development index and its components | Female life expectancy at birth (years), 2007 | 61.5 | | 61.0 | 60.5 | 57.1 | Male life expectancy at birth (years), 2007 | 59.8 | | 59.4 | 58.9 | 54.9 | Female combined gross enrolment ratio (%), 2007 | 62.1 | 6,7 | 62.1 | 71.0 | | Male combined gross enrolment ratio (%), 2007 | 64.2 | 6,7 | 64.2 | 73.0 | | Female estimated earned income (PPP US$), 2007 | 493 | 8 | 428 | | | Male estimated earned income (PPP US$), 2007 | 934 | 8 | 902 | | | K. Gender empowerment measure and its components | Seats in parliament (% held by women), 2008 | 29 | 9 | 29.2 | 25 | 25 | Earned income (estimated), ratio of female to male , 2007 | 0.53 | | 0.47 | | | Women in ministerial positions (% of positions), 2008 | 25 | | | 22 | 22 | L. Demographic trends | Total population (millions), 1990 | 0.7 | | | | | Total population (millions), 2007 | 1.1 | | | | | Total population (millions), 2020 | 1.6 | | | | | Annual rate of natural increase of the population (%), 1990-1995 | 2.7 | | | | | Annual rate of natural increase of the population (%), 2005-2010 (2005-2015 in earlier reports) | 3.1 | | | 3.4 | 4.7 | Net international migration rate (%), 1990-1995 | 0 | | | | | Net international migration rate (%), 2005-2010 | 0.2 | | | | | Urban share of the population (%), 1990 | 20.8 | | | | | Urban share of the population (%), 2010 | 28.1 | | | | | Child dependency ratio, 1990 | 68.7 | | | | | Child dependency ratio, 2010 | 85.4 | | | | | Old age dependency ratio, 1990 | 3.5 | | | | | Old age dependency ratio, 2010 | 5.8 | | | | | Total fertility rate (births per woman), 1990-1995 | 5.7 | | | | | Total fertility rate (births per woman), 2005-2010 (earlier years were 2000-2005) | 6.5 | | | 7.0 | 7.8 | M. Economy and inequality | Total GDP (US$ billions), 2007 | 0.4 | | | 0.3 | 0.3 | Total GDP (PPP US$ billions), 2007 | 0.8 | | | | | GDP per capita (US$), 2007 | 373 | | | 358 | 367 | Average annual change in consumer price index (%), 2006-2007 | 10.3 | | | | | Income/expenditure share of the poorest 10% of the population (%), 1992-2007 | 2.9 | 10 | | | | Income/expenditure share of the richest 10% of the population (%), 1992-2007 | 31.3 | 10 | | | | Ratio of the richest 10% to the poorest 10%, 1992-2007 | 10.8 | | | | | Gini index, 1992-2007 | 39.5 | | | | | N. Health and education | Government expenditure on health per capita (PPP US$), 2006 | 150 | | | 143 | 125 | Government expenditure on health as a percentage of total government expenditure | 16.4 | | | | | Percentage of total aid allocated to social sectors (gross disbursements), 2007 | 72.2 | | | | | Healthy life expectancy at birth (years), 2007 | 55 | | | | | Unhealthy life expectancy (%), 2007 | 9 | | | | |