LH in
Solidarity with the Palestinian People (blog, mós
Tetum) (8/24)
Radio Igualdade program
Progresu Direitu Umanus
durante tinan 20 liu-liu husi Konvensaun Ekonómiku Sosiál no Kulturál nian (ECOSOC)
letter supporting TL government on Myanmar (mós
Tetum) (8/23)
blog (mós
letter to UK Embassy protesting new visa requirement (7/23)
Ex-Priest Richard
Daschbach charged with sexually abusing children /
Eis-padre Richard Daschbach akuza ba
abuzu seksuál hasoru labarik feto sira (9/24)
UN Periodic Reviews of Human Rights in Timor-Leste (English/Tetum)
Programa Radio Universal
Periodic Review (UPR) ba direitu umanus (9/22)
Includes Universal and Torture reviews
Chronology and links Australia
Prosecutes Bernard Collaery and Witness K (7/23)
LHB Ministru
Públiku akuza eis Padre komete krime abuzu seksuál hasoru labarik feto sira
LH press release:
Kazu abuzu seksuál: Presiza iha
unidade atu respeita no suporta vítima, no asegura prosesu justisa la’o ho
efetivu / Sexual abuse case: We
must come together to respect and support victims and to ensure that the justice
process moves along (7/21)
Proposed criminal
defamation and cybercrime laws / Proposta Lei Penal rua: Defamasaun no Krime
Sibernetika (7/21)
LH submisaun ba
Ministeriu Justisa no
Parliamentu Nasional
Submission to
Ministry of Justice and Parliament
LH letter to Timor-Leste leaders
(also Tetum) urging Timor-Leste
to support democracy and human rights in Myanmar (7/21)
LH letter to
Parliamentary President (also
(6/21) urging delay before considering the
Cybercrime Law (3/24)
of Emergency /
Estadu Emerjénsia (5/21)
OilWatch Southeast Asia calls on
international oil and mining companies to stop operations in Burma immediately
Submisaun ba Komisaun
Téknika Identidade Úniku/TIC kona-ba Planu Estratéjiku Identidade Úniku (UID)
Consultations begin on Unique Identity System (UID) (mos
Tetum) (3/21)
Bee Moos
Hanesan Direitu Ema Hotu Nian (12/20)
LH open
letter to Prime Minister (Tetum) about the Economic Recovery Plan (10/20)
Observasaun no
Analiza ba Implementasaun Konvensaun Internasionál ba Direitu Ekonomia Sosiál no
Kulturál iha TL (mos
PDF) (9/20)
Surat Popular
Mai Ita Hamutuk Bele Evita Surtu
Covid-19 (We Come Together to Avoid Spreading Covid-19 (4/20)
LH open
letter to the Prime Minister (also
Tetum) asking that emergency economic measures ensure equitable support for
informal workers and vulnerable groups (4/20)
Declaration from Human Rights Festival: Strengthening Solidarity for Self
Determination and Social Justice (8/19)
Diretu sósiu no ekonómiku durante
tinan 20 ikus (mos
PDF) (5/19)
Tendensia Orsamentu Jeral Estadu
ba defisiente sira (mos
PDF) (5/19)
LHB Ema ho defisiénsia
iha direitu atu partisipa iha prosesu eleitorál no polítika (11/18)
LHB Planeamentu no
Polítika Inkluzivu ba Fornesimentu Bee Moos (11/18)
Aprezentasaun Bee
no Saneamentu Inklusivu: Orsamentu no Sustentabilidade (no
LH Reminds Authors that their Writing has Consequences
LH fó Hanoin ba Autór sira katak sira nia Hakerek iha Konsekuénsia (7/18)
Konvensaun Hasoru
Tortura no Tratamentu Aat
Against Torture (5/18)
LHB Movimentu
asegura direitu sira ba komunidade LGBT
Movement for LGBT
rights (5/18)
LHB Asesu ba Dokumentu
Ofisiál sira: Direitu Demokrátiku Báziku ida
Access to Official
Documents: A basic democratic right (5/18)
Statement of
Solidarity for Rohingya Community from Timor-Leste
Solidariedade husi Timor-Leste ba Komunidade Rohingya (9/17)
Press release from Human Rights Defenders Network
Uncertainty in justice (from PNTL) will have a
negative impact on the rule of law and democracy (also
Tetum) (5/17)
Media Law and commentary
Statement from Human Rights Defenders Network on Defense Chief's
statements endangering rule of law (also
Tetum) (3/17)
Relasaun NGO ho
Governu iha Timor-Leste (aprezentasaun, mos
PDF) (11/16)
Street Vending: Threat
to Social Order or Employment Opportunity? (10/16)
Blog on
legal opinion finding
resolutions on judicial system unconstitutional (2/15)
Resource list on
Executive Interference in
Timor-Leste's Judicial System (1/15)
CPLP should not Admit Equatorial Guinea
Joint civil society declaration
on PNTL/F-FDTL operation to capture 'illegal groups' (also
Tetum) (4/14)
Together we can end impunity (also
Tetum) (7/13)
TL people tell U.S. to close Guantanamo prison (4/13)
UN Human Rights Special Rapporteur on
Extreme Poverty on TL, with
report (also
Portuguese and
Blog and
LH submission (and video submission) (6/12)
Development with the Principle of Rule of Law (English/Tetum), HAK
Association Human Rights Report for 2011 (2/12)
Radio Igualidade:
Loron Direitus Umanus (6 MB Tetum MP3) (12/10)
Revising RDTL Law on Immigration and
Asylum, including
La'o Hamutuk
submission (Tetum) (4/10)
Foreign Soldiers should stay out of
Timorese Politics, LH press release (3/10)
LH presentation
The Current
Situation in Timor-Leste (2/10)
Editorial: Rejecting impunity,
moving towards justice and other articles (also
Tetum) (2/10)
Briefing paper:
Democracy in
Timor-Leste: Information is required! (also
Tetum) (8/09)
Komentariu no Rekomendasaun
husi Sosiedade Sivil kona ba Kuadru Legal Tolu Desentralizasaun nian fo ba
Komisaun A, Parlamentu RDTL (5/09)
LH comment on U.S. State Department 2008 report on
human rights in Timor-Leste (4/09)
LH Statement on defamation case
against Tempo Semanal (5/16)
LH Radio Igualidade "Liberdade Imprensa" ho Jose A. Belo kona ba kazu
defamasaun (14 MB, Tetum MP3) (2/09)
LH Submission to Australian Parliamentary Inquiry on Human
Rights Mechanisms and the Asia-Pacific, as well as submission from
Clinton Fernandes, and
Melbourne Age article (12/08)
Desijaun Tribunal Rekursu
iha Nasaun de Direitu Demokrátiku (11/08)
Text of new Law on Truth and Clemency and
LHB Editorial that it perpetuates impunity
Appeals Court opinion
(Portuguese) (6/07)
President promises not to promulgate (9/07)
Suggestions for the Next United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (6/06)
How UNMIT was created (8/06)
La'o Hamutuk observations on current situation in Dili (5/06)
La'o Hamutuk letter to RDTL President asking him to reject defamation law (also
Tetum) (1/06)
Timor-Leste participates in International Day of Action against the Shwe Gas Project in Burma (10/05)
Reviewing the
Timor-Leste Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR). Also
Editorial: CAVR and Justice (11/03)
Timor-Leste Gives U.S. Soldiers Impunity, Quietly (11/03)
Article-by-article commentary on
Timor-Leste's Immigration and Asylum Bill (From the NGO Working Group to Study the Bill, 5/03)
Court of Appeals decision rejecting the Bill (6/03)
Timor-Leste Puts U.S. Soldiers Above the Law (12/02)
Disorder in
Timor-Leste: The International Community Must Accept Responsibility; also
Bahasa Indonesia (12/02)
Editorial: Democracy Requires Information (12/02)
Editorial: Independence and Impunity (ET exempts U.S. personnel from International Criminal Court) (10/02)
Women and Justice (10/01)
Eyes on the Justice System (6/01)
Reconciliation from Legal and Socio-cultural Perspectives (6/00)
ANTI Statement opposing Prabowo returning
to power (also Tetum,
Indonesian) (11/23)
ANTI Komunikadu ba Imprensa kona-ba
Kondekorasaun PR Jose Ramos Horta ba Jenderal Indonesia Reformadu Hendropriyono
Sentidu kondolénsias família no maluk tomak ne’ebé lakon Belun Boot Saudoza
Carmel Budiardjo
Condolences to family and comrades who lost a great friend in Carmel Budiardjo (7/21)
LH Submission to the Australian
Senate on returning to international legal mechanisms (10/19)
Radio Igualdade: Loron
Konsulta Popular no Krime Pasadu 1975-1999 (8/17)
Impunidade ba krime pasadu kontinua
la hetan prioridade iha ajenda Polítika Timor-Leste (8/17)
Restorasaun Independénsia no
Restorasaun dignidade ema nian
Restoration of Independence and
Restoration of the Dignity of the People (5/17)
Memória Masakre Santa Krús, Movimentu buka Justisa no Igualdade. Also
English. (11/16)
Radio Igualdade:
Kampaña ba Justisa Krime Pasadu (6 MB Tetum MP3) (9/16)
ANTI press release: We welcome
the President of Indonesia to Timor-Leste, but cannot forget cases of crimes
against humanity. Also Tetum
and Bahasa Indonesia. (1/16)
Radio Igualdade: Justisa
Krime Pasadu no Ema Lakon Obrigatoriu (6 MB Tetum MP3) (11/14)
ANTI statement on Marabia
massacre and Widows Day (also
Tetum and
Bahasa Indonesia) (6/14)
ANTI statement on Likisa
massacre anniversary (also
Tetum) (4/14)
ANTI submission to UN Committee on the
Rights of the Child (also Tetum) regarding Indonesia's lack of cooperation (3/14)
ANTI Declaration "Truth and Justice are
the Foundations of Democracy" (also
Portuguese) (11/13)
LHB Editorial:
Together We Can End Impunity (also
La'o Hamutuk's ultimate letter to the UN Security Council about
justice, sustainable development and not forgetting Timor-Leste (also
Tetum press release) (11/12)
LH letter to U.S. Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton on her visit to TL (9/12)
What it means to celebrate the 30th
August statement from ANTI (also
Indonesian) (8/12)
Letter from ANTI to UN S-G Ban
Ki-Moon on his visit to TL (8/12)
Wikileaks-released cables from U.S. embassies
and State Department relating to Timor-Leste (7/12)
Press release "Ita Ezije Justisa: Tanba
Ita Hadomi Dame, Hakarak Lia-Loos Hodi Hametin Rekonsiliasaun" from ANTI
on commemoration of ten years of independence (5/12)
LH letter to the UN Security Council about
justice and equitable, sustainable development.
Index page on laws on
reparations and to create an institution to follow-up CAVR and CTF (English and Tetum) (2/12)
LH letter to the UN Security Council about the
S-G's latest UNMIT report.
on the 20th anniversary of the Santa Cruz demonstration (also Tetum) (12/11/11)
ANTI letter to visiting mission from
the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding post-UNMIT presence
in Timor-Leste (10/11)
Statement from
the National Alliance for an International Tribunal: Resolving Past Crimes
Against Humanity is Key to Opening the Door to Truth and Justice now and in
the future (English/Tetum) (30/8/11)
Letter from the
National Alliance for an International
Tribunal (also Tetum) to UN
Security Council (2/11)
Radio Igualidade:
Instituisaun post-CAVR no
Reparasaun (6 MB Tetum MP3) (7/10)
La'o Hamutuk submission to
Parliament regarding the draft laws for the Public Memory Institute and
the National Reparations Program (also
Tetum) (7/10)
Radio Igualidade:
Justisa ba
Vitima Okupasaun 1975-99 (6 MB Tetum MP3) (6/10)
Press release from
Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International
Tribunal (ANTI): Remember that We Are All Responsible for Justice for
Serious Crimes (English and Tetum) (5/10)
Statements from Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International
Tribunal and Ermera victims group about impunity and
Ramos-Horta's speech to the UN Human Rights Council (3/10)
Letter from
La'o Hamutuk to the UN Security Council
analyzing Secretary-General's report on UNMIT
for Timor-Leste: Unmet international obligation;
Editorial: Reject impunity, towards justice
and other articles (also
Tetum) (2/10)
Letter from
Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International
Tribunal (ANTI) to the UN Security Council about justice (2/10)
Analysis of words about justice used in the UN Security Council debates
and resolutions during the past ten years. (also
Tetum) (12/09)
Hamutuk letter to UN Security Council on justice and other issues. Also PDFs
of letter and
annex, and
Tetum translation. (10/09)
Tell the
UN Security Council how you feel about justice (mos Tetum) (10/09)
The Scourge of Impunity in
Indonesia by Carmel Budiardjo (9/09)
La'o Hamutuk analysis of the Maternus Bere case (9/09)
Pages on Maternus Bere's crimes
with many photos and links,
including to
indictment for "crimes
against humanity: murder, extermination, enforced disappearance, torture,
inhumane acts, rape, deportation and persecution." with information on his 2009 arrest
and illegal release, background information, reactions from the
UN High Commissioner for Human
Rights, Amnesty International,
Appeals Court
and others, articles from local and
international media, etc. (9/09)
Briefing Paper:
Justice for Timor-Leste Remains an
Unfulfilled International Obligation or
Justisa ba Timór-Leste Nafatin
Nu’udar Obrigasaun Internasionál ida be Seidauk Atínje (Tetum) (8/09)
Radio Igualidade Justisa ba Massakre 1999 ho familia vitima sira (13 MB
Tetum MP3) (4/09)
Declaration and photos from the tenth
anniversary of the massacre at Manuel Carrascalao's house in Dili. (4/09)
Report and petition from survivors on the
tenth anniversary of the Liquiça massacre, with photos and links. (4/09)
"Stop Ongoing Impunity" statement about Invasion
Day from the TL National Alliance for an International Tribunal in (PDFs in
English and Tetum)
LH submission to
Parliamentary Committee A on implementing the recommendations of the
TFC and CAVR (English/Tetum) (9/08)
National Alliance Statement on TFC report (also
Tetum) (7/08)
UNMIT-RDTL Agreement about investigation of 1999 Serious crimes (2/08)
UN sets justice bar low, then declines to jump.
La'o Hamutuk letter to UN Security Council. (2/08)
Photos from demonstration against Truth and Friendship Commission
Program for Alternative Public Hearing
IFET Testimony to Alternative Hearing (9/07)
Gareth Evans Must Apologize (9/07)
TL Alliance for an International Tribunal plans strategy (6/07)
Reviewing Unfulfilled Promises for Justice (6/07)
LH Briefing on justice for Inter-Parliamentary Union (4/07)
Editorial: CAVR Recommendations Deserve Attention (4/06)
National Alliance urges President Xanana Gusmão to release CAVR Report (1/06)
TL National Alliance letter to UN Secretary-General on CAVR Report Handover (1/06)
Editorial: The Forgotten Tragedy, 7 December 1975,
Action to mark 30th anniversary of invasion (12/05)
Victims' Families Visit Indonesia (11/05)
LH letter to UN SRSG about ongoing justice options (10/05)
Recommendations of the Secretary-General (8/06)
Summary of Commission of Experts Report (8/05)
Text of CoE Report and
RDTL response (6/05)
Editorial: Truth and Friendship Commission brings neither (8/05)
Surat Popular about Justice (4/05)
Panel Discussion and Statement on Truth and Friendship Commission (4/05)
The Special Panels for Serious Crimes - Justice for
Timor-Leste-Indonesia Relations requires ending impunity (10/04)
Timor-Leste's Political Leaders Must Not Interfere with Justice (2/04)
Editorial: Justice after UNMISET (1/04)
Happy USA Independence Day Rally (7/03)
Editorial: No Justice, No Peace (5/03)
Editorial: Indonesia Fails to Provide Justice for 1999 (10/02)
Justice Still Delayed (5/02)
United States Permission for 1975 Invasion Confirmed (2/02)
Editorial: Donors Should Be Generous, Without Strings (12/01)
Justice and Accountability in Timor-Leste: Int'l Tribunals and Other Options: Report of seminar in Dili (10/01)
Letter to UNTAET Deputy SRSG McNamara on justice issues (10/01)
Special issue Justice for
Timor-Leste? (10/01)
The Commission for Reception, Truth, and Reconciliation: An Overview (10/01)
Editorial: Time to
Get Serious About Justice for Timor-Leste (10/01)
LHB Supplement:
Chronology of Justice and Accountability for
Timor-Leste: September 1999 - October 2001 also
PDF format (10/01)
Editorial: UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Facilitates Indonesia’s Impunity (4/01)
Editorial: Reconciliation, Justice, and Reconstruction (6/00)