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2025 General State Budget
Orsamentu Jerál Estadu ba 2025

Page created 8 July 2024.  Updated 4 February 2025.

Link to page on 2024 state budget.      Liga ba pájina kona-ba OJE 2024

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2025 budget process begins

The Ministry of Finance hosted the annual Budget Days meeting on 5 July. It opened with a speech by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão, followed by these presentations.

Two scenarios were presented, both of which will empty the Petroleum Fund by 2036. In recent years, the enacted budget has always become larger than scenarios presented before the Government finalized its budget proposal.

Ministries and agencies will prepare their budget proposals for 2025, and the Political Review Committee will discuss them during 12-21 August and finish its work on the proposed budget by 27 August. Following approval by the Council of Ministers, Government will then submit the proposal to the National Parliament by 1 October.

In early July, local media interviewed La'o Hamutuk about the budget several times, including Independente TV, TVET, Tatoli and RTM TV.

On 17 July, the Council of Ministers set a budget ceiling of $1.8 billion. Each entity will be given a ceiling on 23 July, and will have 11 days to prepare its proposal to the Budget Review Committee. 

The Ministry of Finance distributed the budget circular on 23 July. The next day, the Council of Ministers approved the composition of the Political Review Committee.

On 30 September, the Council of Ministers approved a $2.2 billion budget for 2025, 20% higher than the ceiling they had set two months earlier. It was submitted to Parliament the following day.

Prosesu Orsamentál ba OJE 2025 hahú

Iha loron 5 Jullu, Ministériu Finansa halo soromutuk Jornada Orsamentu. Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão loke soromutuk ne'e. Tuir mai, órgaun balu fó aprezentasaun sira ne'e.

Ministériu Finansas aprezenta senáriu rua ne’ebé sei hamamuk Fundu Petrolíferu molok tinan 2036.  OGE final sempre boot liu senáriu sira aprezenta uluk.

Órgaun sira sei prepara sira nia proposta orsamentál ba 2025, no Komité Revisaun Politiku sei diskute iha 12-21 Agostu, no remata ninia servisu iha loron 27 Agostu. Hafoin aprovasaun husi Konsellu Ministrus, Governu se aprezenta proposta OGE 2025, ba Parlamentu Nasional.

Durante fulan Jullu, média lokál balu halo entrevista ho La'o Hamutuk kona-ba OGE 2025, inklui Independente TV, TVET, Tatoli no RTM TV.

Iha loron 17 Jullu, Konsellu Ministrus aprova montante totál despeza nian biliaun $1.8, maske karik montante ne'e sei aumenta durante prosesu orsamentál. Tetus dezagregadus sei distribui ba entidades públikas iha loron 23 Jullu, no sira iha loron 11 hodi elabora sira-nia proposta no haruka ba Komité Revizaun Orsamentál.

Ministériu Finansas fahe Sirkulár Preparasaun OJE 2025 iha  loron 23 Jullu. Loron ida tuir mai, Konsellu Ministrus aprova kompozisaun ba Komité Revizaun Polítiku.

Iha loron 30 Setembru, Konsellu Ministrus aprova OJE 2025 ho montante biliaun $2.2, 20% liu fali totál ne'ebé sira estabelese fulan rua antes. Proposta OJE ida ne'e haruka ba Parlamentu Nasional loron ida tuir mai.

Discussion in National Parliament

Parliament distributed the budget proposal to its standing committees, which is holding hearings on 21-25 October (calendar, initial schedule of hearings by Committees C&D) and report back before the plenary debate begins on 6 November. They intend to send the enacted budget to President of the Republic on 27 November.

On 16-17 October, Parliament held an Overview Seminar in Liquica (agenda, summary, audio recording) with presentations from the Ministry of Finance, Central Bank, UNDP, La'o Hamutuk and others.

La'o Hamutuk researchers were guests on TV talk shows on GMN Grande Entrevista, Independente, RTM and Tatoli discussing the proposed 2025 budget.

La'o Hamutuk distributed a submission (Tetum) to Parliament on 25 October. On 29 October, we issued a press release and held a press conference, which was widely covered. Parliament Committee C attached our submission to their report.

Parliament approved rules for plenary discussion and voting on the budget.

Parliament Committee D (Economy and Development) and C (Public Finances) submitted their reports, and plenary debate began on 6 November, with speeches by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão, Fretilin, PLP and others. Fretilin also made a closing intervention in the general debate. On 8 November, Parliament approved the proposed budget in generality with 42 votes in favor, none against, and 22 abstentions (by Fretilin).

Parliament has created a web folder with key budget documents, including a summary and text of 73 proposed amendments. Discussion and voting began on 11 November and will continue until 25 November. Nearly all (67) of the amendments were proposed by Fretilin. In the first day of debate on specifics, 14 proposed amendments to reduce appropriations for the National Parliament and the President of the Republic were voted down along party lines.

On 20 November, Parliament approved the budget with 42 votes in favor, 23 against (Fretilin and PLP), and no abstentions. The total amount is unchanged from the proposal, although the sole amendment which passed reduced expenditure for g7+ by $1 million, reallocating it to F-FDTL and the Ministry of Education.

Parliament delivered the approved budget to President José Ramos-Horta on 25 November, and La'o Hamutuk wrote to him asking him to veto it and send it back to Parliament. A few hours later, he promulgated the state budget law for 2025 as Law no. 8/2024.

Debate iha Parlamentu Nasional

Parliament fahe ona proposta OJE ba komisaun permanente sira, no sira sei halo audiénsia sira iha loron 21-25 Outubru (kalendáriu apresiasaun, kalendáriu inisiál audiénsia Komisaun C no D nian) no fó relatóriu molok debate iha plenária hahú iha loron 6 Novembru. PN sei aprova OJE no haruka ba Prezidente Repúblika iha loron 27 Novembru.

Iha loron 16-17 Outubru, Parlamentu organiza “Semináriu Panorama Orsamentál 2025” iha Liquiça (programa, sumariu, gravasaun) ho aprezentasaun sira husi Ministeriu Finansas, Banku Sentral, UNDP, La'o Hamutuk no instituisaun sira seluk.

Peskizadór sira husi La'o Hamutuk sai bainaka iha TV talk show balu iha GMN Grande Entrevista, Independente, RTM no Tatoli atu diskute proposta OJE 2025.

La'o Hamutuk fahe submisaun ba Parlamentu iha loron 25 Outubru no, iha loron 29 Outubru, fó sai komunikadu imprensa ida no halo konferénsia imprensa, ne'ebé hetan atensaun iha media. PN Komisaun C aneksu LH nia submisaun ba nia parasér.

Parlamentu aprova matadalan ba diskusaun no votasaun ba OJE 2025.

Komisaun D (Ekonomia no Dezenvolvimemtu) no C (Finansas Publiku) fó sai sira nia parasér sira, no debate iha plenária hahú iha loron 6 Novembru, ho diskursu sira husi Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão, Fretilin, PLP no seluk. Fretilin halo intervensaun final iha debate jerálidade. Iha loron 8 Novembru, Parlamentu aprova proposta OJE iha jeneralidade ho votasaun 42 a favór, laiha kontra, no abstensaun 22 (Fretilin).

Parlamentu kria pasta ida online ho dokumentu sira xave kona-ba OJE 2025, inklui rezumu no testu proposta alterasaun 73. Fretilin proposta besik hotu (67) alterasaun sira. Iha loron inísiu debate espesialidade, proposta alterasaun 14 atu redús alokasaun ba Parlamentu Nasional no Prezidente Repúblika rejeita ho votasaun tuir liña partidáriu.

Iha loron 20 Novembru, Parlamentu aprova OJE ho votasaun 42 a favór, 23 kontra (Fretilin no PLP), no laiha abstensaun. Sira la muda montante totál, maski alterasaun úniku ne’ebé pasa hasai tokon $1 husi alokasaun ba g7+, no aloka osan ne'e ba F-FDTL no Ministériu Edukasaun.

Parlamentu entrega ona Lei OJE ba Prezidente Repúblika José Ramos-Horta iha loron 25 Novembru, no La'o Hamutuk hakerek karta ne'ebé husu nia atu veta no haruka fali ba Parlamentu. Oras balu tuir mai, nia promulga Lei nu. 8/2024 - OJE ba 2025.

Budget implementation

Decree-Law 43/2024, of 20 December, details the process of executing the 2025 state budget. Together with other materials, it was disseminated to relevant agencies on 7 January 2025.

Ezekusaun Orsamentál

Dekretu-Lei nu. 43/2024, de 20 Dezembru, fó detallu kona-ba ezekusaun OJE 2025. Hamutuk ho informasaun seluk, Governu distribui ona pakote ba órgaun sira relevante iha loron 7 Janeiru tinan 2025.

Budget Framework Law revision

In December 2024, the Government proposed to restructure the way Timor-Leste enacts and executes its state budget. The new draft law (Portuguese original) will replace the revised Law no 13/2009 on Budget and Financial Management, which had been replaced by Law no. 2/2022 (history and commentary), subsequently revised by Laws 17/2023 (Port.) and 21/2023 (Port.).

Parliament Committee C will hold hearings on 12-14 February 2025, with plenary discussion and approval planned for March.

Revizaun ba Lei Enkuadramentu Orsamentál

Iha fulan Dezembru 2024, Governu proposta Lei foun Enkuadramentu Orsamentu Jerál Estadu no Jestaun Finanseira Públika. Proposta lei ida ne'e sei substitui ba Lei nu. 13/2009 Orçamento e Gestão Financeira altera ona, ne’ebé substitui ona ho Lei nu. 2/2022 (istoria no komentariu) ne’ebé altera ona liu Lei nu. 17/2023 no nu. 21/2023.

Komisaun C iha Parlamentu nasional sei hala'o audiénsia iha loron 12-14 Fevereiru 2025, no debate no votasaun iha plenária sei akontese iha fulan Marsu.


Gráfiku sira


Documents (newest first)

2025 State Budget

2024 State Budget

Dokumentu (atuál liu mak uluk)

Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba tinan 2025

  • Dekretu-Lei nu. 43/2024 (ezekusaun OJE 2025, Port.), 20 Dez 2024

  • Lei nu. 8/2024 (Lei OJE 2025, Port.), 26 Nov 2024

  • Pareser (Port.) husi Kom. C iha PN kona-ba proposta OJE ba 2025, 5 Nov 2024

  • Pareser (Port.) husi Kom. D iha PN kona-ba proposta OJE ba 2025, 30 Out 2024

  • OJE ba tinan 2025 proposta ba Parlamentu (Portugés), 1 Out 2024:

Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba tinan 2024

Analysis and commentary (newest first)

Analiza no komentáriu (atuál liu mak uluk)

Links to relevant topics on La'o Hamutuk's website Liga ba tópiku sira ne’ebé relevante iha website La’o Hamutuk
The Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (La’o Hamutuk)
Institutu Timor-Leste ba Analiza no Monitor ba Dezenvolvimentu
Rua Felicidade (Rua Cardoso Dias), Gricenfor, Bairro Central, Dili, Timor-Leste
P.O. Box 340, Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670-3321040 or +670-77234330
email:  Web:  Facebook